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- AAFC Metadata Application Profile
- Accessibility
- Acid3
- Active Image Accessibility Use-cases
- Adaptive Streaming
- Adaptive images
- AllowSeamless
- Animation in HTML
- Anolis
- Authoring
- Autocomplete Types
- Bad Ideas
- Band names
- Behavior Attachment
- Best Practices for Implementors
- Browser Tests Project
- Bugzilla conventions
- CDATA Escapes
- Canvas
- CanvasColorSpace
- CanvasContexts
- CanvasInWorkers
- CanvasOpaque
- CanvasRenderedPixelSize
- CanvasRoundRect
- Canvas Batch drawImage
- Canvas Context Loss and Restoration
- Change Proposal: figure and details
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-120
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-127
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-129
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-140
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-144
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-147
- Change Proposal for ISSUE-150
- Change Proposal for not including longdesc=""
- Changes to ImageBitmap for OffscreenCanvas
- Character Encoding Detection
- Cite element
- Class
- ClassExtensions
- Code of Conduct
- Component Model
- Component Model: Decorator Challenges
- Component Model Aspect-oriented Components Brainstorming
- Component Model Brainstorming
- Component Model CSS Brainstorming
- Component Model Constraints
- Component Model Declarative Syntax
- Component Model Decorator Brainstorming
- Component Model Discussion
- Component Model Discussion: Rendering
- Component Model IDL Brainstorming
- Component Model Isolation Brainstorming
- Component Model Methodology
- Component Model Progressive Enhancement
- Component Model Strawman: Declarative Syntax
- Component Model Strawman: Decorators
- Component Model Strawman: Element Registration
- Component Model Strawman: Isolation
- Component Model Strawman: Styling
- Component Model Use Cases
- Components
- Constraints for New Vocabularies
- Content-Language
- Contexts
- Crypto
- CustomData
- Custom Elements
- Custom Tags Analysis
- DOM XPath
- DOM XSLTProcessor
- DOM features
- Data
- Datalist
- De facto IRI schemes
- Del element
- Developing HTML5 derivatives
- Diagrams in HTML
- Dialogs
- Differences from HTML4
- Drag'n'Drop Uploads
- DragAndDropEntries
- Dynamic Script Execution Order
- Editing use-cases
- Encoding
- Encrypted Media Extensions Impact
- Equations in HTML
- Exception Codes
- Extensions
- FAQ/pl
- Fetch
- Foreign Fetch
- Fork tracking
- Forking
- FormData
- Forms
- Generic Metadata Mechanisms
- Getting started with browser development
- GitHub
- HTML5Lib
- HTML5 Conformance Checker
- HTML5 Conformance Checker Error Messages
- HTML5 References
- HTML5 Survey
- HTML Lint Checking
- HTML derivatives
- HTML snapshots
- HTML vs. SMIL video
- HTTP Authentication
- HTTP Fetch Policy
- Hgroup element
- IDL attributes
- Iframe Sandbox
- Iframe sandbox improvments
- ImageBitmap Constructor taking URL
- ImageBitmap Options
- Image Caption
- Image Caption Examples
- Img Alt
- Implementations in Web browsers
- Input element
- Install-less Service Workers
- Internet Encrypted Media Extensions
- Layout tables
- Link Hashes
- Link Icons
- Link prerender events
- Links to Unrelated Browsing Contexts
- LogoutRelExtension
- Longdesc usage
- MIME Sniffing
- Main Page
- Main element
- MathML
- MetaExtensions
- Meta element href
- Meta referrer
- Microdata Problem Descriptions
- MicrosyntaxDescriptions
- Modal prompts
- Modifications
- Mouse interaction
- Namespace confusion
- Navigator HW Concurrency
- New Features Awaiting Implementation Interest
- New Form Controls
- New Vocabularies
- New Vocabularies Solution
- Notes for W3C Issues
- OS
- Objections against CP for ISSUE-129
- Objections against CP for ISSUE-130
- Objections against CPs for ISSUE-127
- Objections against CPs for ISSUE-140
- OffscreenCanvas
- OffscreenCanvas.requestAnimationFrame
- Open issues
- Page thumbnail
- ParserIssues
- Parser tests
- Pending e-mails
- PragmaExtensions
- Presentational elements and attributes
- Presentations
- Problem Solving
- Quota
- Rationale
- Registry-MIME-types
- Rel
- RelExtensions
- RemoteDocumentMessaging
- RequestAutocomplete
- RequestID
- Resource Identifiers
- Reviewing
- SRT research
- SVG and (X)HTML
- SVG and canvas
- Sanitization rules
- Script Execution Control
- ServiceRelExtension
- Sharing
- Sharing/API
- Specs
- Specs/advice
- Specs/howto
- Specs/new
- Specs/style
- Specs/todo
- Static
- Storage
- Streams
- StringEncoding
- Style
- Summary element
- Table Summary
- Testsuite
- Testsuite/Mozilla
- Testsuite/Requirements
- Text in Canvas
- Text input keyboard mode control
- Time element
- Time element accepted
- Timed track formats
- Timed tracks
- Translations
- Twintsam
- URL schemes
- UndoManager Problem Descriptions
- Use cases for API-level access to timed tracks
- Use cases for timed tracks rendered over video by the UA
- Validator.nu Common Input Parameters
- Validator.nu Form Upload Input
- Validator.nu Full-Stack Tests
- Validator.nu GET Input
- Validator.nu GNU Output
- Validator.nu JSON Output
- Validator.nu POST Body Input
- Validator.nu Pipeline Overview
- Validator.nu Request and Response Overview
- Validator.nu Servlet Overview
- Validator.nu System Properties
- Validator.nu Templates
- Validator.nu Textarea Input
- Validator.nu Unit Tests
- Validator.nu Useful Warning Requests
- Validator.nu Web Service Interface
- Validator.nu XML Output
- Validator.nu alt advice
- Validator.nu parser
- Validator.nu validator-tester.py
- Video Metrics
- Video Overlay
- Video accessibility
- Video captioning
- Video type parameters
- W3C
- WA1:Focus
- WA1:Structured Data
- WC1:CSS3, Focus and Key Handling
- WC1:DOM Interfaces
- WC1:Properties for Selection, Focus, and Editing
- WF2:Extensions to Form Control Elements
- WF2:Extensions to the HTML Level 2 DOM Interfaces
- WF2:Fetching Data from External Resources
- WF2:Form Submission
- WF2:Styling Form Controls
- WF2:The Forms Event Model
- WF2:The Repetition Model for Repeating Form Controls
- WebAppsTweet
- WebVTT
- Web Controls 1.0
- Web ECMAScript
- Web Encodings
- Web Forms 2.0
- What you can do
- Who to ask about stuff
- Why no namespaces
- Why no script implements
- Why not conneg
- Why not reuse legend
- WorkerCanvas
- XForms
- XHTML2 versus HTML5
- XMLHttpRequest
- XmlStylesheetPi
- Zip