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Proposed String Encoding API for Typed Arrays


  • Joshua Bell (Google, Inc)


This specification defines an API for encoding strings to binary data, and decoding strings from binary data.

NOTE: This specification intentionally does not address the opposite scenario of encoding binary data as strings and decoding binary data from strings, for example using Base64 encoding.


Scripts in pages access the API through the top-level window.stringEncoding object which holds methods for encoding/decoding strings. Worker scripts can similarly use the self.stringEncoding object. (Since window and self are the page and worker global object, respectively, scripts can simply refer to stringEncoding without a prefix.)


partial interface Window {
   readonly attribute StringEncoding stringEncoding;

partial interface WorkerUtils {
   readonly attribute StringEncoding stringEncoding;

The stringEncoding object exposes static methods for encoding and decoding strings from objects containing binary data as specified in the Typed Array specification.


interface [
] StringEncoding {

 static DOMString decode(in any array,
                        unsigned long byteOffset,
                        long byteLength,
                        DOMString encoding)

 static DOMString detectEncoding(in any array,
                        unsigned long byteOffset,
                        unsigned long byteLength)

 static unsigned long encode(in any array,
                            unsigned long byteOffset,
                            DOMString encoding,
                            DOMString value)

 static unsigned long encodedLength(DOMString encoding,
                                    DOMString value)


This method decodes a string at the given byteOffset and byteLength, using the specified encoding. The array parameter must be an ArrayBuffer or DataView, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised. If array is a DataView, the byteOffset is in addition to any offset between the DataView and the underlying ArrayBuffer. An exception (TBD) is raised if the method would write past the end of the underlying buffer. If the binary data or data range is not valid according to the specified encoding an exception (TBD) is raised. If the specified encoding is not known, an exception (TBD) is raised.

NOTE: If the encoded string includes a BOM that is considered part of the length.

If byteLength is a negative number, data is instead decoded until a code point value of 0 in the specified encoding is encountered. For example, in the UTF-16 encodings this would be two 0x00 bytes, encoding U+0000. In this case, the terminal U+0000 character is not included in the returned string. If byteLength is a positive number, U+0000 characters have no special meaning and are returned with the string.


This method attempts to determine the encoding of the string at the specified offset byteOffset with length in bytes byteLength in array. The array parameter must be an ArrayBuffer or DataView, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised. If array is a DataView, the byteOffset is in addition to any offset between the DataView and the underlying ArrayBuffer. An exception (TBD) is raised if the method would read past the end of the underlying buffer.

TODO: outline subset of HTML5 "encoding sniffing algorithm" to use.

The return value is a DOMString containing an encoding name suitable for use with the other methods. If the encoding cannot be determined with a high level of confidence, the method must return the empty string.

NOTE: A length must be specified for detectEncoding as null termination is dependent on the encoding.


Encodes the string value into the specified array at the given byteOffset, using the specified encoding. The array parameter must be an ArrayBuffer or DataView, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised. If array is a DataView, the byteOffset is in addition to any offset between the DataView and its underlying ArrayBuffer. The return value is the length of the encoded string, in bytes. No "null terminator" is added to the string, although a trailing \x00 character in the string will be encoded if present and if it can be expressed in the specified encoding. An exception (TBD) is raised if the method would write past the end of the underlying buffer. If value cannot be encoded with the specified encoding an exception (TBD) is raised. If the specified encoding is not known, an exception (TBD) is raised.

If an exception is thrown by this method, the target buffer MUST NOT be changed.

ISSUE: Alternately, we could allow "partial fill" and return an object with bytesWritten and charactersWritten properties.


Computes and returns the length, in bytes, of the string value if it were to be encoded using the specified encoding. If value cannot be encoded with the specified encoding an exception (TBD) is raised. If the specified encoding is not known, an exception (TBD) is raised.

NOTE: If the encoding includes a BOM, the length of the BOM is included. For example, the string ABC may be encoded in UTF-16 as the octets FE FF 00 65 00 66 00 67 and have a length of 8.


Example #1 - encoding strings

The following example uses the API to encode an array of strings into a ArrayBuffer. The result is a Uint8Array containing the number of strings (as a Uint32), followed by the length of the first string (as a Uint32), the UTF-8 encoded string data, the length of the second string (as a Uint32), the string data, and so on.

function encodeArrayOfStrings(strings) {
  var len, i, bytes, view, offset;

  len = 4;
  for (i = 0; i < strings.length; i += 1) {
    len += 4;
    len += stringEncoding.encodedLength("UTF-8", strings[i]);

  bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
  view = new DataView(bytes.buffer);
  offset = 0;

  view.setUint32(offset, strings.length);
  offset += Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
  for (i = 0; i < strings.length; i += 1) {
    len = stringEncoding.encode(view,
                                offset + Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
                                "UTF-8", strings[i]);
    view.setUint32(offset, len);
    offset += Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT + len;
  return bytes.buffer;

Example #2 - decoding strings

The following example decodes an ArrayBuffer containing data encoded in the format produced by the previous example back into an array of strings.

function decodeArrayOfStrings(buffer) {
  var view, offset, num_strings, strings, i, len;

  view = new DataView(buffer);
  offset = 0;
  strings = [];

  num_strings = view.getUint32(offset);
  offset += Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
  for (i = 0; i < num_strings; i += 1) {
    len = view.getUint32(offset);
    offset += Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
    strings[i] = stringEncoding.decode(view, offset, len,
    offset += len;
  return strings;


Encoding names are case-insensitive.

Standard Encodings

Implementations MUST support all of the following encodings:


  • decode: exception thrown if any octet in array is greater than 0x7F
  • encode: exception thrown if value string contains a character beyond U+007F


  • decode: No encoding-specific exceptions thrown
  • encode: exception thrown if value string contains a character beyond U+00FF


  • decode: No encoding-specific exceptions are thrown
  • encode: exception thrown if value string contains a character beyond U+00FF
NOTE: "ISO-8859-1" and "BINARY" are functionally identical. Both are included so that callers can be more explicit about the type of data being handled. Storing binary data in ECMAScript strings, one byte per character, was a common approach before Typed Array support was available. This "BINARY" encoding allows for easy interoperation with this legacy style of binary storage.


  • decode: BOM accepted (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF), exception thrown on invalid/truncated UTF-8 sequence; non-BMP characters in the UTF-8 encoded string yield UTF-16 surrogate pairs in the DOMString
  • encode: BOM is not written. Exception (TBD) thrown when there is no valid UTF-8 encoding of the string (e.g. “abc\uD800def” which contains a UTF-16 “surrogate half”)


  • decode: exception thrown if BOM not present
  • encode: outputs a BOM prefix; can be either LE or BE. Implementations may choose to always use the same endianness, or may match the machine architecture for better performance. Callers should not make assumptions about the endianness, and should use the "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE" encodings if a specific endianness is desired.


  • decode: BOM not required, but accepted (0xFF 0xFE); throws if incorrect BOM found or overall length is odd number of bytes
  • encode: does not write a BOM
ISSUE: throw if invalid surrogate pair encountered?


  • decode: BOM not required, but accepted (0xFE 0xFF); throws if incorrect BOM found or overall length is odd number of bytes
  • encode: does not write a BOM
ISSUE: throw if invalid surrogate pair encountered?

Other Encodings

Browsers MAY support additional encodings.

TODO: Suggest other encodings - the suggested default encodings table from http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/parsing.html#encoding-sniffing-algorithm may be prove handy.


  • Alan Chaney
  • Ben Noordhuis
  • Kenneth Russell (Google, Inc)
  • Robert Mustacchi
  • Ryan Dahl


A "shim" implementation of the API in JavaScript can be found at:
