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From WHATWG Wiki
Revision as of 14:03, 13 September 2013 by Annevk (talk | contribs) (→‎URLs)
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name model example nested zips relative URLs pointing outside zip complexity
sub-scheme A URL is potentially a stack of URLs, the innermost URL represents the request URL and origin zip:http://example.org/test!image.jpg (last "!" as separator) zip:zip:/test!inner.zip!image.jpg - (zip base URL is zip:/.../) 1) URLs become a stack. 2) Zip URL needs its own URL object. 3) URL parser needs changing.
zip-path A URL gains a zip-path which is excluded from the request URL, origin computed per usual http://example.org/test%!image.jpg ("%!" as separator) /test%!inner.zip%!image.jpg √ (../otherimage.jpg) 1) URL parser needs changing.
http://example.org/test.zip!image.jpg (".zip!" as separator, but request path includes trailing ".zip") /test.zip!inner.zip%!image.jpg
fragment Fetch is passed fragment as well in case response is application/zip and data needs extracting. Resources from a zip have a zip URL as base. http://example.org/test#image.jpg http://example.org/test#inner.zip!image.jpg (??) - (zip base URL is zip:/.../) 1) Inner and outer URL for resources. 2) Requires new scheme. 3) Fetch needs to be passed fragment.

While zip-path could support relative addressing outside of a zip, it's not clear whether this is desirable.


For http://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#zip-archives we need to document the zip format. Either through reference to the PKWARE text, or via a new standard (XKCD-style).


baku https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/file/ArchiveZipEvent.cpp
baku https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/file/ArchiveZipFile.cpp
baku so the first file (line 120~)
baku reads the file and creates ArchiveZipItem for each file contained in the archive
baku ArhiceZipFile implements a nsIInputStream and what it does is the reading of the content.
baku you have an ArchiveZipFile for each file.