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Implementations in Web browsers

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List of known implementations of HTML 5 in web browsers (list is incomplete, feel free to extend it)

For summary see Comparison of layout engines (WHATWG) in Wikipedia.

For an interactive view of features and which browsers they work in, see http://a.deveria.com/caniuse/




Web Forms 2.0


  • Project webforms2 emulates a big part of WF2 in every browser
  • date input element with input-type-date works in Firefox, IE6/7, Safari
  • Repetition Model (dropped from the spec) - Opera 9 (native), with repetitionmodel works in Firefox, IE6/7, Safari 2.0.4
  • Project [1] emulate in IE6/7 validation, date and time types, range, repetition, calculated fields, datalist, autofocus.

Web Sockets

No implementations yet but there is work ongoing to implement this for Firefox.