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Component Model Discussion: Rendering

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The question asked herein is how to best treat the following somewhat mutually exclusive requirements:

[1] The containing document "wants" to naturally style the host element (using <x-foo> notation here - see the Component Registration page for alternatives). E.g.,

 x-foo {
     background-color: yellow;
     border: 1px solid blue;

[2] The component "wants" to be able to style its outermost rendering rectangle. Because of Isolation, this rectangle is ideally located within the component, i.e., within the shadow DOM.

and as a somewhat lesser concern:

[3] Every point between the rectangles should correspond to a valid DOM range.

ad [3]: Note that conversely, in no variant there is a mapping from a DOM range with anchor <x-foo> to a rectangle/screen position, since the children of <x-foo> may be rendered in arbitrary places, depending on <content> elements within the shadow DOM, or even not at all.


This consists of the following, more or less orthogonal, sub-questions

  • is the host element rendered or not?
  • is the shadow root rendered or not?
  • is the shadow root an element or a separate node type?
  • using display: transparent?

Almost all combinations of the above have their respective merits and problems. Assume we have the following DOM structure:

   <x-foo> -----> [ShadowRoot (S)]
     <C/>            <Z/>

This could conceivably be rendered in the following ways:

[A] rendered host element, rendered shadow root, shadow root is element

 |       x-foo-------------------------------------------------+       |
 |       |       SR------------------------------------+       |       |
 |       |       |       Y------+       Z------+       |       |       |
 | [A,0] |  ???  | [S,0] |      | [S,1] |      | [S,2] |  ???  | [A,1] |
 |       |       |       +------+       +------+       |       |       |
 |       |       +-------------------------------------+       |       |
 |       +-----------------------------------------------------+       |


  • Shadow root as element requires separate TreeScope tree and host-element pointer


  • Styles set on <x-foo> such as background-color don't really affect the component's rendering if the component overrides them on the shadow root.
  • The potential gaps between the shadow root's rectangle and the outer host element's rectangle don't directly map to a DOM position.

[B] rendered host element with default display: transparent, rendered shadow root, shadow root is element

 |       x-foo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
 |       :SR------------------------------------+:       |
 |       :|       Z------+       +------+       |:       |
 | [A,0] :| [S,0] |      | [S,1] |      | [S,2] |: [A,1] |
 |       :|       Z------+       +------+       |:       |
 |       :+-------------------------------------+:       |
 |       + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |


  • Shadow root as element requires separate TreeScope tree and host-element pointer


  • Containing document can't style the shadow host, but this is more apparent because of display: transparent. Containing document could set display to something different if needed.
  • If display is set to something different it becomes variant [A], with the associated issues.

[C] rendered host element, rendered shadow root, shadow root is separate node type, shadow root's rectangle always is the same as the host element's (no gap)

 |       x-foo-----------------------------------+       |
 |       |SR------------------------------------+|       |
 |       ||       Z------+       +------+       ||       |
 | [A,0] || [S,0] |      | [S,1] |      | [S,2] || [A,1] |
 |       ||       Z------+       +------+       ||       |
 |       |+-------------------------------------+|       |
 |       +---------------------------------------+       |

This allows both the document to style <x-foo>, as well as allowing the component to have its own outer rectangle, but prevents any gap from forming between them. However, this raises more questions than it answers:


  • Need to spec how ShadowRoot node type is styleable
  • margin, padding, position et al must not apply, so need to define how styles apply to ShadowRoot in detail.

[D] rendered host element, shadow root not rendered

 |       x-foo---------------------------------+       |
 |       |       Y------+       Z------+       |       |
 | [A,0] |  ???  |      |  ???  |      |  ???  | [A,1] |
 |       |       +------+       +------+       |       |
 |       +-------------------------------------+       |


  • Confinement requires separate style-sheet in order for the component to be able to style the host element.
  • The potential gaps between the rectangles of the shadow root's children and the outer host element don't directly map to a DOM position.

[E] host element has display: transparent by default, shadow root not rendered

 |       x-foo - - - - - - - - - +       |
 |       :Y------+       Z------+:       |
 |  ???  :|      |  ???  |      |:  ???  |
 |       :+------+       +------+:       |
 |       + - - - - - - - - - - - +       |


  • Containing document can't style the shadow host, but this is more apparent because of display: transparent. Containing document could set display to something different if needed.
  • If display is set to something different it becomes variant [D], with the associated issues.
  • The potential gaps between the rectangles of the shadow root's children and the outer host element don't directly map to a DOM position.

[F] host element not rendered, rendered shadow root

In this scenario, the ShadowRoot most likely is an element.

 |       SR------------------------------------+       |
 |       |       Y------+       Z------+       |       |
 |  ???  | [S,0] |      | [S,1] |      | [S,2] |  ???  |
 |       |       +------+       +------+       |       |
 |       +-------------------------------------+       |


  • Containing document can't style the shadow host. Because of Isolation it also can't style the ShadowRoot, unless styles styles set on <x-foo> are forwarded somehow. If so, mechanism of style forwarding needs to be specced.
  • The potential gaps between the rectangles of the shadow root and the outer host element's parent don't directly map to a DOM position.

[G] neither host element nor shadow root rendered

 |       Y------+       Z------+       |
 |  ???  |      |  ???  |      |  ???  |
 |       +------+       +------+       |

Undoubtedly the most flexible from a layout perspective, as it allows a single element to "create" multiple renderers.


  • There is no single rendering rectangle corresponding to <x-foo>.
  • Containing document can't style the host element. Styles set on <x-foo> could be forwarded to ALL children of the shadow root, but it's not clear this is useful.
  • The potential gaps between the rectangles of the shadow root's children and the rectangle containing the host element don't directly map to a DOM position.

[Z] Other?

There is a marvelous variant that solves all issues and doesn't suffer any of the above drawbacks which this paragraph is too small to contain.

Current State

Currently we implemented variant [D].